
If you are part of the CT National Guard or if you are a past member of the CT National Guard, please consider joining this agency.  To learn more about what they can offer to you please visit them at: http://ngact.org/

Below is how their Constitution  reads.


The National Guard Association of Connecticut


Of October 1993, as amended in March 1996, March 1997, March 2002, March 2003, March 2004, March 2007, and March 2012


Article I – Name


The name of this Association shall be “The National Guard Association of Connecticut,” herein called the Association.


Article II – Purpose


Section 1. To improve the welfare and efficiency of the National Guard of Connecticut and the National Guard of the United States and to achieve their interests.


Section 2. To promote and support state and national security as provided for under the Constitution of the State of Connecticut and the United States of America.


Section 3. To encouraged increased association, friendship, understanding and cooperation between all members of this Association.


Section 4. To foster improved relations of the Army and Air National Guard of Connecticut with the general public.


Section 5. To initiate and/or support legislation, both state and federal, for the betterment of the National Guard of the state and nation.


Section 6. To obtain benefits for the Guard members as individuals that are similar to those enjoyed by their counterparts in the active federal service.


Section 7. To promote the best interests of the Association and the purpose for which it was formed, it shall have the power to receive and collect membership dues and accept contributions, and may acquire, hold, take gifts, devise or purchase property, either real or personal, and invest its funds therein. It may sell and dispose of such property and create obligations when it is in the best interests of the Association. All income from whatever source derived shall be used exclusively to promote the purpose for which the Association is organized.


Section 8. To be the Connecticut affiliates of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States and the National Guard Association of the United States and to promote the goals and purposes of those organizations.


Article III – Membership


Section 1. Every active, retired or former member of the National Guard, separated under honorable conditions, is eligible for membership in this Association. All persons, having paid their yearly dues before the annual business meeting/conference and life members will be considered as members in good standing and entitled to vote and hold office in the Association.


Article IV – Meetings


Section 1. The Association shall hold its annual business meeting of members for election of Association officers, and the Executive Council, and for the transaction of such business as properly may be brought before it. The Executive Council will set a date for the annual meeting/conference annually during the first quarter of fiscal year.


Section 2. Special meetings of the members can be called by the President or upon written request of one third (1/3) of the members of the Executive Council.


Section 3. Notice of all meetings shall be published at least one month preceding the date of the meeting.


Section 4. A quorum shall exist at the regular annual meeting/conference or any special meeting when five percent (5%) of the membership of the Association is represented.


Article V – Officers


Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be as follows:

  1. President
  2. Vice President – Officer
  3. Vice President – Enlisted
  4. Secretary
  5. Treasurer


Section 2. Term of Office


  1. All Officers shall be elected for a two-year period or until their qualified successor is elected.
    1. Election of Officers shall be held at the annual meeting/conference during even numbered years, commencing at the 1998 annual meeting/conference.
      1. The office of President may be held by either an Officer or Enlisted member of the Association and the one Vice President shall be an Officer and one Vice President shall be an Enlisted member of the Association.
      2. If any elected officer or member of the executive council is unable to complete tenure of their elected term, under the provisions of the NGACT Constitution, an


interim replacement will be appointed by the President and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of remaining members of the Executive Council.


Section 3. There shall be an Executive Council of the Association consisting of the following:


a. The duly elected officers of the Association.

b. Two Retired National Guard Member, officer or enlisted, one Army and one Air.

c. One Officer, one Senior Enlisted and one Junior Enlisted member from the Connecticut Air National Guard.

d. One Officer, one Senior Enlisted and one Junior Enlisted member from the Connecticut Army National Guard.

e. Two At-Large-Members from the Connecticut Army National Guard and two At­-Large-Members from the Connecticut Air National Guard.

f.  Executive Director.

g. Parliamentarian


Section 4. The President shall be the chairman ex-officio of the Executive Council.


Section 5. Election of Executive Council members with the exception of the Executive Director shall be during the annual meeting each year as follows:


  1. During even numbered years, the officers of the Association and four members-at­large will be elected.
  2. During odd numbered years three Army Guard members and three Air Guard members of the ranks specified in subsections 3c and 3d above, and the two Retired members National Guard member will be elected.


Section 6. Members of the Executive Council shall attend all meetings called by the chairman. Failure to attend any two consecutive scheduled meetings without sufficient reason shall be sufficient cause for such person to be removed from office in accordance with Article V, Section 7 of this Constitution.


Section 7. Any member of the Executive Council of the Association may be suspended or removed from office for inefficiency or conduct grossly detrimental to the interests of the Association, or for any grave cause by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Executive Council.


Section 8. A quorum of the Executive Council shall consist of nine (9) members.


Section 9. Duties and Powers of Elected Officers

  1. The President shall preside at the annual meeting/conference and special meetings of the Association and shall be the chairman ex-officio of the Executive Council. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees, be responsible for the location and operations of the Executive Council and have authority to incur such incidental expenses, that do not exceed limits imposed by the Association’s by-laws, that occur between Executive Council meetings.
  2. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President during the absence or disability of the President and such duties as the President may assign.
  3. The Secretary shall have charge of all the records pertaining to the Association. The Secretary of the Association shall also be ex-officio Secretary of the Executive Council. The Secretary shall notify members of the Association of all meetings at least 30 days prior thereto. The remuneration for services required shall be specified in the by-laws.
  4. The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for and be custodian of all funds of any nature whatsoever due the Association and such contributions as may be made to it and be bonded in the amount not less than the balance of the treasury at the last open meeting. The Treasurer shall draw warrants in payment of all bills and claims against the Association. There shall be an annual audit of the books and finances of the Association and a report thereof submitted to the Executive Council prior to the annual meeting and to the Association at the annual meeting. The treasurer shall make an annual report of the finances of the Association to the annual business meeting. The remuneration for the required services shall be specified in the by­laws.


Section 10. Executive Director Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Furnish staff support and administrative support to the President.
    1. Act as official representative of the Association in dealing with other organizations and/or businesses.
    2. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the By-laws or assigned by the President of the Association.
    3. Be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
      1. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Executive Council through the competitive process from applications of the Association membership.
      2. The remuneration for required services of the Executive Director shall be specified in the By-laws.


Section 11. Parliamentarian Duties and Responsibilities


  1.  Be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
  2. Aid and advise the President, Executive Board, committees, members and staff in Parliamentarian Procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order.
  3. Is knowledgeable on the contents of the Association’s By-Laws and Constitution.
  4. Is a source of information on Parliamentary Procedure, but has no authority to make rulings or to enforce them.
  5. Is appointed by the President with consent of 2/3 of the Executive Board.


Article VI – Finance


Section 1. The fiscal year shall be from 1 January each year through 31 December of the same year.


Section 2: Not used.


Section 3. Expenditure of funds must be for either internal operations of the Association or consistent with the purpose, goals, objectives and policies of the Association as set forth in the Constitution and By-laws.


Section 4. All requirements for funds must be submitted in writing with complete justification to the Finance Committee for review and inclusion in each year’s budget except that the President of the Association shall be authorized to expend an amount not to exceed $300.00 per quarter without requiring prior approval of the Finance Committee or Executive Board. Such discretionary expenditures shall be reported to the Treasurer immediately upon being incurred and shall be reviewed not less than quarterly by the Executive Board in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of Subsection 3 above.


Article VII – By-Laws


The Association shall publish and maintain a set of By-laws which shall be adhered to by all members. All meeting will be run in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.


Article VIII – Omitted


Article IX Amendments


Section 1: This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for such purpose by the President of the Association. Prepared amendments of the Constitution must be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the meeting to which the proposed amendments are to be considered.


Section 2: The Associations By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Council at a properly convened meeting of the Executive Council. Amendments or changes to the By-Laws shall be reported to the membership at the annual meeting/conference by the President.

Read 31182 times Last modified on Wednesday, 03 February 2016 20:35
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